Taking proper care of your hearing aids is essential in order to maintain their longevity and ensure they are providing you with the best hearing possible. One of the best ways to care for your hearing aids is through the regular use of a maintenance kit filled with helpful tools.
Let’s take a look at what substances can cause problems with your hearing aid, as well as the best tools to help prevent them.
Common Problems
Moisture. Excessive moisture can cause serious problems with the electrical components of your device as well as damage the outer shell. It can damage the battery, weaken performance and even cause your hearing aid to malfunction completely.
Earwax. Earwax can clog the receivers and vents of your device, causing them to not work properly. Earwax can also degrade parts of your hearing aid leading to additional problems.
Bacteria and fungus. Research has shown that hearing aids can alter the flora of your ear canal, and not the type of flora you might find at Skyline Park. This can lead to an increase in bacterial and fungal infections and cause irritation which leads to discomfort in the ear. While this isn’t damaging to the hearing aid itself, it can make users less inclined to wear their device. This can cause their hearing health to suffer.
Top Tools for Hearing Aid Maintenance
Cleaning Brush
Soft-bristled brushes are a staple of hearing aid cleaning kits. They help remove dirt and other debris that collects on the outside of your device, and the bristles can be used to get inside the holes of your hearing aid to remove particles as well.
Ventilation Cleaner
This wiry tool can remove moisture and earwax from the vent found on most in-the-ear models. Just gently push the cleaner through the vent hole until it reaches the other side and then wipe off any buildup with a soft dry cloth or tissue.
Wax Guard
These are small plastic screens that attach to your hearing aid and prevents wax from building up on the device. They are typically used in behind-the-ear and receiver-in-ear models. They should be replaced every 1-2 months.
Drying Box or Dehumidifier
Drying boxes use air and heat to remove excess moisture, while dehumidifiers use desiccants. Some drying boxes use UV light which can also kill bacteria on your device. They also act as a great storage spot for your hearing aids at night.
For more information about caring for your hearing aids or to schedule an appointment with a hearing aid expert, call Topeka ENT today.