According to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, “Approximately 15% of American adults (37.5 million) aged 18 and over report some trouble hearing.” What this means for you is if you have hearing loss, you’re not alone this holiday season.
If you’re traveling for the holidays, below we review some tips to help you hear your best and care for your hearing aids.
What You Should Do When Traveling with Hearing Aids
Below we review the do’s of traveling with hearing aids:
Bring extra batteries. The last thing you want is for your hearing aid batteries to die in the middle of family dinner. You should be prepared by packing extra batteries. Estimate how many you’ll need, then pack a few extra, just to be safe.
Pack a dehumidifier. This is especially important if you’re visiting somewhere humid. Be sure to pack your dehumidifier to store your devices in at night or if they accidentally get wet.
Consider other communication tools. If you use any assistive listening devices, it may be useful to bring them along so you can communicate better at the dining table. Some people prefer to communicate with a tablet or a pen and paper.
What You Shouldn’t Do When Traveling with Hearing Aids
Below we review the don’ts of traveling with hearing aids:
Stop cleaning them. Traveling can really throw off your routine, but you should not stop cleaning your hearing aids at the end of each day just because you’re not at home. After you take out your hearing aids for the night, wipe them down with a soft, dry, clean cloth. Then use a wax pick or wire loop to remove stubborn debris.
Remove them during airport security scans. You don’t need to take out your hearing aids when you’re getting X-rayed at Kansas City International Airport in Kansas City. The scan won’t hurt your hearing aids, and you’re not required to remove them. Doing so puts you at risk of losing them and not being able to hear the TSA agent’s instructions.
Leave them unprotected. When you do take out your hearing aids during your trip, make sure you put them in their protective case somewhere safe and consistent like your luggage. This way they won’t break or be misplaced.
For more information or to schedule an appointment, call Topeka Ear Nose & Throat today.