You take good care of your devices – from daily cleanings to safe storage. But did you know that your hearing aids require special care during the winter months? Below we review the do’s and don’ts of hearing aid care during winter weather.
What to Do
Follow this list of what you should do when it comes to keeping your hearing aids safe during the winter:
DO: Be careful when removing hats, scarves and sweaters, otherwise you could accidentally pull out your hearing aids and lose them.
DO: Keep spare batteries or a charger on hand, as cold weather saps batteries much quicker. You want to be prepared so you’re not left stranded without the ability to hear.
DO: Remove your hearing aids before participating in winter sports such as skiing at Snow Creek. Store them somewhere safe where you won’t lose them, like a storage case in your purse or backpack.
DO: Let moisture evaporate from your hearing aids by opening the battery door after a day outside building snowmen and having snowball fights.
DO: Invest in a dehumidifier to store your hearing aids in at night to prevent moisture damage, the number one destroyer of hearing aids.
What Not to Do
Follow this list of what not to do with your hearing aids during the winter months:
DON’T: Store batteries or chargers in the car, garage or anywhere that could get cold.
DON’T: Put your hearing aids in a heated drying system, as heat can be damaging to the intricate technology within your hearing aids.
DON’T: Forget to keep up on your daily cleaning regimen, which can be all too easy as the days grow shorter and your routine is thrown off.
DON’T: Worry too much about the cold weather – you should still enjoy life with your hearing aids, as long as you’re taking proper precautions when necessary.
DON’T: Hesitate to call your audiologist if you experience any problems with your devices, from sound distortion to short battery life.
For more information about caring for your hearing aids during the winter months or to schedule an appointment with a hearing aid expert, call Topeka ENT today.